1 Eth To Usd

However, it still consumed much electricity power which leaves a large carbon footprint. As a result, the transition to Ethereum 2.0 denotes the shift to a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm. By…

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1 Eth To Usd

However, it still consumed much electricity power which leaves a large carbon footprint. As a result, the transition to Ethereum 2.0 denotes the shift to a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm. By…

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Studio Latihan

Untuk minimal 2 jam, tarif :
Rp 50 ribu/jam
Bila HANYA 1 jam :
Rp 60 ribu

Track Recording

1 Shift (5 jam)
Rp 600 ribu


Rp 400 ribu / lagu-5 layer (5 instrument)